Writing Producers and Consumers

Producers and Consumers translate the geometry and condition information required for HLT1 processing into formats that can easily be copied to and used on the GPU. All headers and source files are relative to the directory integration/non_event_data.


Producers and Consumers are identified by a simple struct in the header include/Dumpers/Identifiers.h:

namespace Allen {
namespace NonEventData {
  struct Identifier{};

  struct VeloGeometry : Identifier {
    inline static std::string const id = "VeloGeometry";


If an identifier for your pair of producers or consumers does not exist, add one with a reasonable name.

For Allen to function, a Producer needs to be registered with the Updater for every Consumer. When running standalone, a standalone Updater is used, which registeres all required Producer to itself on construction (src/Updater.cpp). When running with the LHCb stack, a Service component takes that role, and all individual producers are also a Service that register themselves.


A Producer produces information derived from the detector geometry as a vector; it is typically a functor or a lambda. There are always 2 implementation of a Producer for a given Indentifier, one for standalone running and one for running with the LHCb stack. The standalone Producer that reads the magnetic field polarity from a file looks like this:

GeometryReader reader{};
std::string polarity_file = "polarity.bin";
auto produce_polarity = [&reader, polarity_file] () -> optional<vector<char>> {
   return reader.read_geometry(polarity_file);

Have a look at Updater::Updater in src/Updater.cpp to see how the registration is done.


A Consumer is usually a functor that takes a vector as an argument and fills a device array or variable (or multiple of those) with information needed by a kernel. It is constructed with references to device variables or arrays it needs to fill. If it is simple, it can be declared in include/Consumers.h. For example:

namespace Consumers {
  struct MagneticField final : public Allen::NonEventData::Consumer {


    void consume(std::vector<char> const& data) override;


    std::reference_wrapper<float*> m_dev_magnet_polarity;
    const size_t m_size = sizeof(float);


The implementation of this consumer looks like this:

Consumers::MagneticField::MagneticField(float*& dev_magnet_polarity)
  : m_dev_magnet_polarity{dev_magnet_polarity} {

void Consumers::MagneticField::consume(std::vector<char> const& data) {
  if (data.size() != m_size) {
    throw StrException{string{"sizes don't match: "} + to_string(m_size) + " " + to_string(data.size())};
  if (!m_dev_magnet_polarity.get()) {
    // Allocate space
    Allen::malloc((void**) &m_dev_magnet_polarity.get(), data.size());
  Allen::memcpy(m_dev_magnet_polarity, data.data(), data.size(), Allen::memcpyHostToDevice);

Device variables are allocated on the first call and never reallocated, instead it is checked that the size data matches if the consumer is called again.

Consumers are registered to the Updater in register_consumers that is defined in main/src/Allen.cpp.