Adding a new device algorithm

This tutorial will guide you through adding a new device algorithm to the Allen framework.


Writing functions to be executed in the device in Allen is literally the same as writing a CUDA kernel. Therefore, you may use any existing tutorial or documentation on how to write good CUDA code.

Writing a device algorithm in the Allen framework has been made to resemble the Gaudi syntax, where possible.

Let’s assume that we want to run the following classic SAXPY CUDA kernel, taken out from this website.

Adding the device algorithm

We want to add the algorithm to a specific folder inside the device folder:

├── associate
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── include
│   │   ├── AssociateConstants.cuh
│   │   └── VeloPVIP.cuh
│   └── src
│       └──
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── event_model
│   ├── associate
│   │   └── include
│   │       └── AssociateConsolidated.cuh
│   ├── common
│   │   └── include
│   │       ├── ConsolidatedTypes.cuh
│   │       └── States.cuh

Let’s create a new folder inside the device directory named example. We need to modify device/CMakeLists.txt to reflect this:


Inside the example folder we will create the following structure:

├── example │   ├── CMakeLists.txt │   ├── include │   │   └── Saxpy_example.cuh │   └── src │   └──

The newly created example/CMakeLists.txt file should reflect the project we are creating. We can do that by populating it like so:

file(GLOB saxpy_sources "src/*cu")


allen_add_device_library(Examples STATIC

The includes of Velo and event model files are only necessary because we will use the number of Velo tracks per event as an input to the saxpy algorithm. If your new algorithm does not use any Velo related objects, this is not necessary.

The includes of main, gear and sequence are required for any new algorithm in Allen.

Link the new library “Examples” to the stream library in stream/CMakeLists.txt:

target_link_libraries(Stream PRIVATE

Next, we create the header file for our algorithm SAXPY_example.cuh, which is similar to an algorithm definition in Gaudi: inputs, outputs and properties are defined, as well as the algorithm function itself and an operator calling the function.

There are slight differences to Gaudi, since we want to be able to run the algorithm on a GPU. The full file is under here. Let’s take a look at the components:

#pragma once

#include "VeloConsolidated.cuh"
#include "AlgorithmTypes.cuh"

The Velo include is only required if Velo objects are used in the algorithm. DeviceAlgorithm.cuh defines class DeviceAlgorithm and some other handy resources.

Parameters and properties

namespace saxpy {
  struct Parameters {
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned) host_number_of_events;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_number_of_events_t, unsigned) dev_number_of_events;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_offsets_all_velo_tracks_t, unsigned) dev_atomics_velo;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_offsets_velo_track_hit_number_t, unsigned) dev_velo_track_hit_number;
    DEVICE_OUTPUT(dev_saxpy_output_t, float) dev_saxpy_output;

In the saxpy namespace the parameters are specified. Parameters scope can either be the host or the device, and they can either be inputs or outputs. Parameters should be defined with the following convention:

<scope>_<io>(<name>, <type>) <identifier>;

Some parameter examples:

DEVICE_INPUT(dev_offsets_all_velo_tracks_t, unsigned) dev_atomics_velo;

Defines an input on the device memory. It has a name dev_offsets_all_velo_tracks_t, which can be later used to identify this argument. It is of type _unsigned_, which means the memory location named dev_offsets_all_velo_tracks_t holds unsigned`s. The *io* and the *type* define the underlying type of the instance to be `<io> <type> * – in this case, since it is an input type, const unsigned*. Its identifier is dev_atomics_velo.

DEVICE_OUTPUT(dev_saxpy_output_t, float) dev_saxpy_output;

Defines an output parameter on device memory, with name dev_saxpy_output_t and identifier dev_saxpy_output. Its underlying type is float*.

HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned) host_number_of_events;

Defines an input parameter on host memory, with name host_number_of_events_t and identifier host_number_of_events. Its underlying type is const unsigned*.

DEVICE_INPUT(dev_number_of_events_t, unsigned) dev_number_of_events;

Defines an input parameter on device memory, with name dev_number_of_events_t and identifier dev_number_of_events. Its underlying type is const unsigned*.

Properties of algorithms define constants and can be configured prior to running the application. They should be defined inside the algorithm struct as follows:

Property<_type_> _internal_name_ {this, _name_string_, _default_value_, _description_};

In the case of saxpy:

  Property<float> m_saxpy_factor {this, "saxpy_scale_factor", 2.f, "scale factor a used in a*x + y"};
  Property<dim3> m_block_dim {this, "block_dim", {32, 1, 1}, "block dimensions"};


A view is a parameter that is linked to other parameters. It extends the lifetime of the parameters it is linked to, ensuring that the data it links to will not be freed.

A view can be defined like a parameter with additional types:

<scope>_<io>(<name>, <type>, <linked_lifetime_type_1>, <linked_lifetime_type_2>, ...) <identifier>;

Here is a working example:

  Velo::Clusters, dev_velo_cluster_container_t, dev_module_cluster_num_t, dev_number_of_events_t)

The type dev_velo_clusters_t is defined to be of type Velo::Clusters, with its lifetime linked to types dev_velo_cluster_container_t, dev_module_cluster_num_t, dev_number_of_events_t. That is, if dev_velo_clusters_t is used in a subsequent algorithm as an input, the parameters dev_velo_cluster_container_t, dev_module_cluster_num_t, dev_number_of_events_t are guaranteed to be in memory.

This type can be used just like any other type:

auto velo_cluster_container = Velo::Clusters {parameters.dev_velo_cluster_container, estimated_number_of_clusters};
parameters.dev_velo_clusters[event_number] = velo_cluster_container;

And subsequent algorithms can request it with no need to specify it as a view anymore:

DEVICE_INPUT(dev_velo_clusters_t, Velo::Clusters) dev_velo_clusters;

The reason these two types are compatible is because the Allen underlying type of both the view and non-view parameter is Velo::Clusters.

Defining an algorithm


An algorithm is defined by a struct (or class) that inherits from either HostAlgorithm or DeviceAlgorithm. In addition, it is convenient to also inherit from Parameters, to be able to easily access identifiers of parameters and properties. The struct identifier is the name of the algorithm.

An algorithm must define two methods: set_arguments_size and operator(). Their signatures are as follows:

struct saxpy_t : public DeviceAlgorithm, Parameters {
  void set_arguments_size(
    const RuntimeOptions&,
    const Constants&) const;

  void operator()(
    const ArgumentReferences<Parameters>&,
    const RuntimeOptions&,
    const Constants&,
    const Allen::Context& context) const;

  Property<float> m_saxpy_factor {this, "saxpy_scale_factor", 2.f, "scale factor a used in a*x + y"};
  Property<dim3> m_block_dim {this, "block_dim", {32, 1, 1}, "block dimensions"}; // dim3 is a native CUDA type representing 3D sizes

An algorithm saxpy_t has been declared. It is a DeviceAlgorithm, and for convenience it inherits from the previously defined Parameters. It defines two methods, set_arguments_size and operator() with the above predefined signatures. The algorithm declaration ends with the private: block for the properties mentioned before.

Since this is a DeviceAlgorithm, one would like the work to actually be done on the device. In order to run code on the device, a global kernel has to be defined. The syntax used is standard CUDA:

__global__ void saxpy(Parameters, float factor);

The source file of SAXPY should define set_arguments_size, operator() and the previously mentioned global kernel saxpy:

  • set_arguments_size: Sets the size of output parameters.

  • operator(): The actual algorithm runs (similar to Gaudi).

In Allen, it is not recommended to use dynamic memory allocations. Therefore, types such as std::vector are “forbidden”, and instead sizes of output arguments must be set in the set_arguments_size method of algorithms.

#include "SAXPY_example.cuh"

void saxpy::saxpy_t::set_arguments_size(
  ArgumentReferences<Parameters> arguments,
  const RuntimeOptions&,
  const Constants&) const
  set_size<dev_saxpy_output_t>(arguments, first<host_number_of_events_t>(arguments));

To do that, one may use the following functions:

  • void set_size<T>(arguments, const size_t): Sets the size of name T. The sizeof(T) is implicit, so eg. set_size<T>(10) will actually allocate space for 10 * sizeof(T).

  • size_t size<T>(arguments): Gets the size of name T.

  • T* data<T>(arguments): Gets the pointer to the beginning of T.

  • T first<T>(arguments): Gets the first element of T.

Next, operator() should be defined:

void saxpy::saxpy_t::operator()(
  const ArgumentReferences<Parameters>& arguments,
  const RuntimeOptions&,
  const Constants&,
  const Allen::Context& context) const
    m_block_dim, context)(arguments, m_saxpy_factor);

In order to invoke host and global functions, wrapper methods host_function and global_function should be used. The syntax is as follows:

host_function(<host_function_identifier>)(<parameters of function>)
global_function(<global_function_identifier>)(<grid_size>, <block_size>, context)(<parameters of function>)

global_function wraps a function identifier, such as saxpy. The object it returns can be used to invoke a global kernel following a syntax that is similar to CUDA's kernel invocation syntax. It expects:

  • grid_size: Number of blocks of kernel invocation (passed as 3-dimensional object of type dim3).

  • block_size: Number of threads in each block (passed as 3-dimensional object of type dim3).

  • stream: Stream where to run.

  • parameters of function: Parameters of the global kernel being invoked.

In this case, the kernel saxpy accepts only one parameter of type Parameters. The global_function and host_function wrappers automatically detect and transform const ArgumentReferences<Parameters>& into Parameters. Therefore, we can safely pass arguments to our kernel invocation.

Finally, the kernel is defined:

* @brief SAXPY example algorithm
* @detail Calculates for every event y = a*x + x, where x is the number of velo tracks in one event
__global__ void saxpy::saxpy(saxpy::Parameters parameters, float factor)
  const auto number_of_events = parameters.dev_number_of_events[0];
  for (unsigned event_number = threadIdx.x; event_number < number_of_events; event_number += blockDim.x) {
    Velo::Consolidated::ConstTracks velo_tracks {
      parameters.dev_atomics_velo, parameters.dev_velo_track_hit_number, event_number, number_of_events};
    const unsigned number_of_tracks_event = velo_tracks.number_of_tracks(event_number);

    parameters.dev_saxpy_output[event_number] =
      factor * number_of_tracks_event + number_of_tracks_event;

The kernel accepts a single parameter of type saxpy::Parameters. It is now possible to access all previously defined parameters by their identifier. Things to remember here:

  • A parameter or property is accessed with its identifier.

  • Parameters decays to underlying type (eg. formed from its scope and its type).

  • Properties decay to type.

  • If explicit access to the underlying type of parameters is required, get() can be used.

  • One should not access host parameters inside a function to be executed on the device, and viceversa.

In other words, in the code above:

  • parameters.dev_number_of_events decays to const unsigned*.

  • parameters.dev_atomics_velo decays to const unsigned*.

  • parameters.dev_velo_track_hit_number decays to const unsigned*.

  • parameters.dev_saxpy_output decays to float*.

Building with a newly defined algorithm

If a new algorithm was defined, or if an algorithm was removed, it is required to purge the project and trigger a rebuild from scratch.

This is due to a parsing of all Allen header files that occurs upon running cmake for the first time.

Separately, modifying existing algorithms in any way such as changing its parameters or its source code does not necessitate a purge.

How to access current event within algorithm

Typically, events are processed by independent blocks of execution. When that’s the case, the invocation of the global function happens with as many blocks as events in the event list. Eg.

  m_block_dim, context)(arguments);

Then, in the kernel itself, in order to access the event under execution, the following idiom is used:

__global__ void kernel(namespace::Parameters parameters) {
  const unsigned event_number = parameters.dev_event_list[blockIdx.x];

Configuring the algorithm in a sequence

The last thing remaining is to add the algorithm to a sequence, and run it. Configuring the sequence of algorithms explains how to configure the algorithms in an HLT1 sequence.