Writing selections

This tutorial will cover adding trigger selections to Allen using the main reconstruction sequence.

Line execution

A line is a function that take some object list as input and returns a decision (boolean) for each object. The decision can be prescaled and postscaled per event. The prescaler runs before the line, if the decision of the prescaler is false, the line function will not be executed for that event. The postscaler runs after the line, it will not affect the line function itself but only the output decision. This distinction is important if the line is used for monitoring or filling tuples and for performances. If a line need to run over a lot of objects, tuning the prescaler can make a difference in the throughput of the line.

Types of selections

Selections are fully configurable algorithms in Allen. Lines that select events based on basic or composite particles must have a device input dev_particle_container_t that is an Allen::MultiEventContainer. For convenience, there are some predefined line types.


These lines trigger on basic particles with no decay products. In most cases, this means triggering on Kalman-filtered long tracks. The input dev_particle_container_t must be an Allen::MultiEventBasicParticles. Basic particle properties are accessed via the BasicParticle view. This view provides access to the track state (including momentum), lepton ID, and the associated PV (including e.g. IP, IP chi2).


These lines trigger on composite particles composed of other basic or composite particles. In most cases, this means triggering on 2-track secondary vertices. The input dev_particle_container_t must be an Allen::MultiEventCompositeParticles. Composite particle properties are accessed via the CompositeParticle view. This view provides access to vertex fit results, the associated PV (including e.g. FD, FD chi2), and the child particles (BasicParticle s and/or CompositeParticle s).


A line that executes once per event.


An EventLine that selects events based on information from the ODIN raw bank.

Custom line

A custom selection can trigger on any input data, and can either be based on event-level information, or on more specific information.

Adding a new selection

Choosing the right directory

HLT1 selection lines live in the directory device/selections/lines and are grouped into directories based on the selection purpose. Currently, the following subdirectories exist:

  • SMOG2

  • calibration (includes alignment)

  • charm

  • electron

  • inclusive_hadron

  • muon

  • monitoring

  • photon

If your new selection fits into any of these categories, please add it in the respective directory. If not, feel free to create a new one and discuss in your merge request why you believe a new directory is required.

Every sub-directory contains a include and a src directory where the header and source files are placed.

Creating a selection

Selections are of type SelectionAlgorithm, that must in addition inherit from a line type. Like with any other Algorithm, a SelectionAlgorithm can have inputs, outputs and properties. However, certain inputs and outputs are assumed and must be defined:

(Total) number of events:

HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned), host_number_of_events;

Event list to which the selection is applied:


Type-erased parameters to be passed to the line functions for delayed line processing:

HOST_OUTPUT(host_fn_parameters_t, char) host_fn_parameters;

In case that the selection algorithm requires a dev_particle_container_t, then the host_fn_parameters_t should be defined as follows instead:

HOST_OUTPUT_WITH_DEPENDENCIES(host_fn_parameters_t, DEPENDENCIES(dev_particle_container_t), char) host_fn_parameters;

Line data that will be passed to an upcoming algorithm (usually gather_selections_t). It contains copies of various properties and inputs, such as the pre and post scaler:

HOST_OUTPUT(host_line_data_t, LineData) host_line_data;

Pre-scaling factor:

PROPERTY(pre_scaler_t, "pre_scaler", "Pre-scaling factor", float), pre_scaler;

Post-scaling factor:

PROPERTY(post_scaler_t, "post_scaler", "Post-scaling factor", float), post_scaler;

Pre-scaler hash string. (Must not be empty):

PROPERTY(pre_scaler_hash_string_t, "pre_scaler_hash_string", "Pre-scaling hash string", std::string) pre_scaler_hash_string;

Post-scaler hash string. (Must not be empty):

PROPERTY(post_scaler_hash_string_t, "post_scaler_hash_string", "Post-scaling hash string", std::string), post_scaler_hash_string;

In order to define a selection algorithm, one must define a struct as follows:

struct "name_of_algorithm" : public SelectionAlgorithm, Parameters, "line_type"<"name_of_algorithm", Parameters>

In the above, "name_of_algorithm" is the name of the algorithm, and "line_type" can be either Line for a completely customizable line, or any of the predefined line types (such as OneTrackLine, CompositeParticleLine, ODINLine, etc.). Please note that "name_of_algorithm" appears twice in the selection algorithm definition.

A SelectionAlgorithm can contain the following:

using iteration_t = LineIteration::event_iteration_tag;

Used if each selection is to be applied exactly once per event (eg. a lumi line).

static unsigned get_decisions_size(ArgumentReferences<Parameters>& arguments) const { ... }

A function that returns the size of the decisions container.

__device__ static unsigned offset(const Parameters& parameters, const unsigned event_number) const { ... }

A function that returns the offset of the decisions container for a given event_number

__device__ static std::tuple<"configurable_types">
get_input(const Parameters& parameters, const unsigned event_number, const unsigned i) const {
    return std::forward_as_tuple("instances");

A function that gets the i`th input of `event_number, and returns it as a tuple. The "configurable_types" can be anything. The return statement of the function is suggested to be a return std::forward_as_tuple() with the "instances" of the desired objects. The return type of this function will be used as the input of the select function.

__device__ static bool select(
    const Parameters& parameters,
    std::tuple<"configurable_types"> input) const
    return [true/false];

The function that performs the selection for a single input. The type of the input must match the "configurable_types" of the get_input function. It returns a boolean with the decision output. The select function must be defined as static in the header file.

  • Optional: unsigned get_block_dim_x(const ArgumentReferences<Parameters>&) const { ... }: Defines the number of threads the selection will be performed with.

In addition, lines must be instantiated in their source file definition:

  • INSTANTIATE_LINE("name_of_algorithm", "parameters_of_algorithm")

Lines are automatically parallelized with threadIdx.x (see the default setting in Line.cuh. The 1D block dimension is configurable however by providing a different implementation of Derived::get_block_dim_x.

Below are four examples of lines.

OneTrackLine example

As an example, we’ll create a line that triggers on highly displaced, high-pT single long tracks. It will be of type OneTrackLine. We will first create the header.

#pragma once

#include "AlgorithmTypes.cuh"
#include "OneTrackLine.cuh"

namespace example_one_track_line {
  struct Parameters {
    // Commonly required inputs, outputs and properties
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned) host_number_of_events;
    HOST_OUTPUT(host_line_data_t, LineData) host_line_data;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_t, "pre_scaler", "Pre-scaling factor", float) pre_scaler;
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_t, "post_scaler", "Post-scaling factor", float) post_scaler;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_hash_string_t, "pre_scaler_hash_string", "Pre-scaling hash string", std::string)
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_hash_string_t, "post_scaler_hash_string", "Post-scaling hash string", std::string)
    // Line-specific inputs and properties
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_reconstructed_scifi_tracks_t, unsigned) host_number_of_reconstructed_scifi_tracks;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_particle_container_t, Allen::Views::Physics::MultiEventBasicParticles) dev_particle_container_t;
    HOST_OUTPUT_WITH_DEPENDENCIES(host_fn_parameters_t, DEPENDENCIES(dev_particle_container_t), char) host_fn_parameters;
    PROPERTY(minPt_t, "minPt", "minPt description", float) minPt;
    PROPERTY(minIPChi2_t, "minIPChi2", "minIPChi2 description", float) minIPChi2;

  // SelectionAlgorithm definition
  struct example_one_track_line_t : public SelectionAlgorithm, Parameters, OneTrackLine<example_one_track_line_t, Parameters> {
    // Selection function.
    __device__ static bool select(const Parameters& parameters, std::tuple<const Allen::Views::Physics::BasicParticle> input);

    // Commonly required properties
    Property<pre_scaler_t> m_pre_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<post_scaler_t> m_post_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<pre_scaler_hash_string_t> m_pre_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    Property<post_scaler_hash_string_t> m_post_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    // Line-specific properties
    Property<minPt_t> m_minPt {this, 10000.0f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
    Property<minIPChi2_t> m_minIPChi2 {this, 25.0f};
} // namespace example_one_track_line

And the then the source:

#include "ExampleOneTrackLine.cuh"

// Explicit instantiation of the line
INSTANTIATE_LINE(example_one_track_line::example_one_track_line_t, example_one_track_line::Parameters)

__device__ bool example_one_track_line::example_one_track_line_t::select(
  const Parameters& parameters,
  std::tuple<const Allen::Views::Physics::BasicParticle> input)
  const auto& track = std::get<0>(input);
  const bool decision = track.state().pt() > parameters.minPt && track.ip_chi2() > parameters.minIPChi2;
  return decision;

Note that since the type of this line was the preexisting (OneTrackLine), it was not necessary to define any function other than select.

CompositeParticleLine example

Here we’ll create an example of a 2-long-track line that selects displaced secondary vertices with no postscale. This line inherits from CompositeParticleLine. We’ll create a header with the following contents:

#pragma once

#include "AlgorithmTypes.cuh"
#include "CompositeParticleLine.cuh"

namespace example_two_track_line {
  struct Parameters {
    // Commonly required inputs, outputs and properties
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned) host_number_of_events;
    HOST_OUTPUT(host_line_data_t, LineData) host_line_data;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_t, "pre_scaler", "Pre-scaling factor", float) pre_scaler;
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_t, "post_scaler", "Post-scaling factor", float) post_scaler;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_hash_string_t, "pre_scaler_hash_string", "Pre-scaling hash string", std::string)
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_hash_string_t, "post_scaler_hash_string", "Post-scaling hash string", std::string)
    // Line-specific inputs and properties
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_svs_t, unsigned) host_number_of_svs;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_particle_container_t, Allen::Views::Physics::MultiEventCompositeParticles) dev_particle_container;
    HOST_OUTPUT_WITH_DEPENDENCIES(host_fn_parameters_t, DEPENDENCIES(dev_particle_container_t), char) host_fn_parameters;
    PROPERTY(minComboPt_t, "minComboPt", "minComboPt description", float) minComboPt;
    PROPERTY(minTrackPt_t, "minTrackPt", "minTrackPt description", float) minTrackPt;
    PROPERTY(minTrackIPChi2_t, "minTrackIPChi2", "minTrackIPChi2 description", float) minTrackIPChi2;

  // SelectionAlgorithm definition
  struct example_two_track_line_t : public SelectionAlgorithm, Parameters, CompositeParticleLine<example_two_track_line_t, Parameters> {
    // Selection function.
    __device__ static bool select(const Parameters&, std::tuple<const Allen::Views::Physics::CompositeParticle>);

    // Commonly required properties
    Property<pre_scaler_t> m_pre_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<post_scaler_t> m_post_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<pre_scaler_hash_string_t> m_pre_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    Property<post_scaler_hash_string_t> m_post_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    // Line-specific properties
    Property<minComboPt_t> m_minComboPt {this, 2000.0f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
    Property<minTrackPt_t> m_minTrackPt {this, 500.0f * Gaudi::Units::MeV};
    Property<minTrackIPChi2_t> m_minTrackIPChi2 {this, 25.0f};

} // namespace example_two_track_line

And a source with the following:

#include "ExampleCompositeParticleLine.cuh"

INSTANTIATE_LINE(example_two_track_line::example_two_track_line_t, example_two_track_line::Parameters)

__device__ bool example_two_track_line::example_two_track_line_t::select(
  const Parameters& parameters,
  std::tuple<const Allen::Views::Physics::CompositeParticle> input)
  const auto& particle = std::get<0>(input);

  // Make sure the vertex fit succeeded.
  if (particle.vertex().chi2() < 0) {
    return false;

  const bool decision = particle.vertex().pt() > parameters.minComboPt &&
    particle.minpt() > parameters.minTrackPt &&
    particle.minipchi2() > parameters.minTrackIPChi2;
  return decision;

EventLine example

Now we’ll define a line that selects events with at least 1 reconstructed VELO track. This line runs once per event, so it inherits from EventLine. This time, we will need to define not only the select function, but also the get_input function, as we need custom data to feed into our line (the number of tracks in an event).

The header monitoring/include/VeloMicroBiasLine.cuh is as follows:

#pragma once

#include "AlgorithmTypes.cuh"
#include "EventLine.cuh"
#include "VeloConsolidated.cuh"

namespace velo_micro_bias_line {
  struct Parameters {
    // Commonly required inputs, outputs and properties
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned) host_number_of_events;
    HOST_OUTPUT(host_line_data_t, LineData) host_line_data;
    HOST_OUTPUT(host_fn_parameters_t, char) host_fn_parameters;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_t, "pre_scaler", "Pre-scaling factor", float) pre_scaler;
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_t, "post_scaler", "Post-scaling factor", float) post_scaler;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_hash_string_t, "pre_scaler_hash_string", "Pre-scaling hash string", std::string)
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_hash_string_t, "post_scaler_hash_string", "Post-scaling hash string", std::string)
    // Line-specific inputs and properties
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_number_of_events_t, unsigned) dev_number_of_events;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_offsets_velo_tracks_t, unsigned) dev_offsets_velo_tracks;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_offsets_velo_track_hit_number_t, unsigned) dev_offsets_velo_track_hit_number;
    PROPERTY(min_velo_tracks_t, "min_velo_tracks", "Minimum number of VELO tracks", unsigned) min_velo_tracks;

  struct velo_micro_bias_line_t : public SelectionAlgorithm, Parameters, EventLine<velo_micro_bias_line_t, Parameters> {
    __device__ static std::tuple<const unsigned>
    get_input(const Parameters& parameters, const unsigned event_number);

    __device__ static bool select(const Parameters& parameters, std::tuple<const unsigned> input);

    // Commonly required properties
    Property<pre_scaler_t> m_pre_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<post_scaler_t> m_post_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<pre_scaler_hash_string_t> m_pre_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    Property<post_scaler_hash_string_t> m_post_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    // Line-specific properties
    Property<min_velo_tracks_t> m_min_velo_tracks {this, 1};
} // namespace velo_micro_bias_line

Note that we have added three inputs to obtain VELO track information (dev_offsets_velo_tracks_t, dev_offsets_velo_track_hit_number_t and dev_number_of_events_t). Finally, get_input is declared as well, which we will have to define in the source file. get_input will return a std::tuple, which is the type of the input argument in select.

The source file monitoring/src/VeloMicroBiasLine.cu looks as follows:

#include "VeloMicroBiasLine.cuh"

// Explicit instantiation
INSTANTIATE_LINE(velo_micro_bias_line::velo_micro_bias_line_t, velo_micro_bias_line::Parameters)

__device__ std::tuple<const unsigned>
velo_micro_bias_line::velo_micro_bias_line_t::get_input(const Parameters& parameters, const unsigned event_number)
  Velo::Consolidated::ConstTracks velo_tracks {
    parameters.dev_offsets_velo_tracks, parameters.dev_offsets_velo_track_hit_number, event_number, parameters.dev_number_of_events[0]};
  const unsigned number_of_velo_tracks = velo_tracks.number_of_tracks(event_number);
  return std::forward_as_tuple(number_of_velo_tracks);

__device__ bool velo_micro_bias_line::velo_micro_bias_line_t::select(
  const Parameters& parameters,
  std::tuple<const unsigned> input)
  const auto number_of_velo_tracks = std::get<0>(input);
  return number_of_velo_tracks >= parameters.min_velo_tracks;

get_input gets the number of VELO tracks and returns it, and select will select only events with VELO tracks.

CustomLine example

Finally, we’ll define a line that runs on every velo track. Since this is a completely custom line, we need to define all the functions of the line, i.e. select, get_input, get_decisions_size and offset. In addition, we also need to add some properties to the line.

The header ExampleOneVeloTrackLine.cuh is as follows:

#pragma once

#include "AlgorithmTypes.cuh"
#include "Line.cuh"
#include "VeloConsolidated.cuh"

namespace example_one_velo_track_line {
  struct Parameters {
    // Commonly required inputs, outputs and properties
    HOST_INPUT(host_number_of_events_t, unsigned) host_number_of_events;
    HOST_OUTPUT(host_line_data_t, LineData) host_line_data;
    HOST_OUTPUT(host_fn_parameters_t, char) host_fn_parameters;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_t, "pre_scaler", "Pre-scaling factor", float) pre_scaler;
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_t, "post_scaler", "Post-scaling factor", float) post_scaler;
    PROPERTY(pre_scaler_hash_string_t, "pre_scaler_hash_string", "Pre-scaling hash string", std::string)
    PROPERTY(post_scaler_hash_string_t, "post_scaler_hash_string", "Post-scaling hash string", std::string)
    // Line-specific inputs and properties
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_track_offsets_t, unsigned) dev_track_offsets;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_number_of_events_t, unsigned) dev_number_of_events;
    DEVICE_INPUT(dev_offsets_velo_track_hit_number_t, unsigned) dev_velo_track_hit_number;
    PROPERTY(minNHits_t, "minNHits", "min number of hits of velo track", unsigned) minNHits;

  // SelectionAlgorithm definition
  struct example_one_velo_track_line_t : public SelectionAlgorithm, Parameters, Line<example_one_velo_track_line_t, Parameters> {

      // Offset function
      __device__ static unsigned offset(const Parameters& parameters, const unsigned event_number);

      //Get decision size function
      static unsigned get_decisions_size(ArgumentReferences<Parameters>& arguments);

      // Get input function
      __device__ static std::tuple<const unsigned> get_input(const Parameters& parameters, const unsigned event_number, const unsigned i);

      // Selection function
      __device__ static bool select(const Parameters& parameters, std::tuple<const unsigned> input);

    // Commonly required properties
    Property<pre_scaler_t> m_pre_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<post_scaler_t> m_post_scaler {this, 1.f};
    Property<pre_scaler_hash_string_t> m_pre_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    Property<post_scaler_hash_string_t> m_post_scaler_hash_string {this, ""};
    // Line-specific properties
    Property<minNHits_t> m_minNHits {this, 0};
} // namespace example_one_velo_track_line

Note that we have added some inputs and one property.

The source file looks as follows:

#include "ExampleOneVeloTrackLine.cuh"

// Explicit instantiation of the line
INSTANTIATE_LINE(example_one_velo_track_line::example_one_velo_track_line_t, example_one_velo_track_line::Parameters)

// Offset function
__device__ unsigned example_one_velo_track_line::example_one_velo_track_line_t::offset(const Parameters& parameters,
    const unsigned event_number)
  return parameters.dev_track_offsets[event_number];

//Get decision size function
unsigned example_one_velo_track_line::example_one_velo_track_line_t::get_decisions_size(ArgumentReferences<Parameters>& arguments)
  return first<typename Parameters::host_number_of_reconstructed_velo_tracks_t>(arguments);

// Get input function
__device__ std::tuple<const unsigned> example_one_velo_track_line::example_one_velo_track_line_t::get_input(const Parameters& parameters,
    const unsigned event_number, const unsigned i)
  // Get the number of events
  const uint number_of_events = parameters.dev_number_of_events[0];

  // Create the velo tracks
  Velo::Consolidated::Tracks const velo_tracks {

  // Get the ith velo track
 const unsigned track_index = i + velo_tracks.tracks_offset(event_number);

  return std::forward_as_tuple(parameters.dev_velo_track_hit_number[track_index]);

// Selection function
__device__ bool example_one_velo_track_line::example_one_velo_track_line_t::select(const Parameters& parameters,
    std::tuple<const unsigned> input)
  // Get number of hits for current velo track
  const auto& velo_track_hit_number = std::get<0>(input);

  // Check if velo track satisfies requirement
  const bool decision = ( velo_track_hit_number > parameters.minNHits);

  return decision;

It is important that the return type of get_input is the same as the input type of select.

Adding your selection to the Allen sequence

After creating the selection source code, the selection can either be added to an existing sequence or a new sequence is generated. Selections are added to the Allen sequence similarly as algorithms, described in Configuring the sequence of algorithms, using the python functions defined in AllenConf. Let us first look at the default sequence definition in hlt1_pp_default.py

from AllenConf.HLT1 import setup_hlt1_node
from AllenCore.event_list_utils import generate

hlt1_node = setup_hlt1_node()

The CompositeNode containing the default HLT1 selections setup_hlt1_node is defined in HLT1.py and contains the following code:

reconstructed_objects = hlt1_reconstruction()

with line_maker.bind(enableGEC=EnableGEC):
      physics_lines = default_physics_lines(

with line_maker.bind(prefilter=gec):
    monitoring_lines += alignment_monitoring_lines(

# list of line algorithms, required for the gather selection and DecReport algorithms
line_algorithms = [tup[0] for tup in physics_lines
                    ] + [tup[0] for tup in monitoring_lines]
# lost of line nodes, required to set up the CompositeNode
line_nodes = [tup[1] for tup in physics_lines
              ] + [tup[1] for tup in monitoring_lines]

lines = CompositeNode(
    "SetupAllLines", line_nodes, NodeLogic.NONLAZY_OR, force_order=False)

gather_selections_node = CompositeNode(
    [lines, make_gather_selections(lines=line_algorithms)],

hlt1_node = CompositeNode(
    "Allen", [

The default HLT1 reconstruction algorithms are called with hlt1_reconstruction(). Their output is passed to the selection algorithms as required. The functions default_physics_lines and default_monitoring_lines define the default HLT1 selections. Each returns a list of tuples of [algorithm, node]. The list of nodes is passed as input to make the CompositeNode defining the HLT1 selections, while the list of algorithms is required as input for the DecReport algorithm.

Let us take a closer look at one example, i.e. how the Hlt1DiMuonLowMass line is defined within default_physics_lines.


The line_maker function is called to set the line name, the line algorithm with its required inputs and to specify whether or not the prefilter of the global event cut (GEC) should be applied. The line algorithm can be configured as described below. line_maker returns a tuple of [algorithm, node] which is appended to the list of lines.

The line algorithms are defined in the files following the same naming convention as the source files:

The HLT1DiMuonLowMass line is defined in hlt1_muon_lines.py as follows:

def make_di_muon_mass_line(forward_tracks,
    number_of_events = initialize_number_of_events()
    odin = decode_odin()
    layout = mep_layout()

    return make_algorithm(

It takes as input the objects on which the selection is based (forward_tracks and secondary_vertices), a possible pre and post scalar hash string (pre_scaler_hash_string and post_scaler_hash_string), configurable parameters (minHighMassTrackPt etc.) and a name ("Hlt1DiMuonHighMass"). In the call to make_algorithm the arguments of the selection (HOST_INPUT, HOST_OUTPUT and PROPERTY) defined in the source code are configured. In Allen it is common practice, to set the default values of Properties within the source code (.cu file) and only expose those Properties to python parameters that are actually varied in a selection definition. It is particularly useful to specify the name of a line when calling the make_..._line function, if more than one configuration of the same selection is defined.

We now have the tools to create our own CompositeNode defining a custom sequence with one of the example algorithms defined above.

Head to configuration/sequences and add a new configuration file.

Example: A minimal HLT1 sequence

This is a minimal HLT1 sequence including only reconstruction algorithms and the example one track line we created above. Calling generate using the returned sequence will produce an Allen sequence that automatically runs the example selection.

First define the line algorithm, for example within hlt1_inclusive_hadron_lines.py:

def make_example_one_track_line(forward_tracks,
  number_of_events = initialize_number_of_events()
  odin = decode_odin()
  layout = mep_layout()

  return make_algorithm(

Second, we will create the CompositeNode for the selection (rather than using the predefined setup_hlt1_node) and generate the sequence within a new configuration file custom_hlt1.py:

from AllenConf.hlt1_inclusive_hadron_lines import make_example_one_track_line
from AllenConf.HLT1 import line_maker
from AllenCore.event_list_utils import generate

# Reconstruct objects needed as input for selection lines
reconstructed_objects = hlt1_reconstruction()
forward_tracks = reconstructed_objects["forward_tracks"]
long_track_particles = reconstructed_objects["long_track_particles"]

lines = []
      make_one_track_example_line(forward_tracks, long_track_particles),

line_algorithms = [tup[0] for tup in lines]
line_nodes = [tup[1] for tup in lines]

lines = CompositeNode(
  "AllLines", line_nodes, NodeLogic.NONLAZY_OR, force_order=False)

gather_selections_node = CompositeNode(
    [lines, make_gather_selections(lines=line_algorithms)],

custom_hlt1_node = CompositeNode(
  "Allen", [


The lines CompositeNode gathers all lines. In our case this is only one, but the addition of more lines is straight-forward by appending more entries to lines with more calls to the line_maker. The custom_hlt1_node combines the lines with the DecReport algorithm to setup the full HLT1.

Notice that all the values of the properties have to be given in a string even if the type of the property is an int or a float. Now, you should be able to build and run the newly generated custom_hlt1.

Monitoring Lines with ROOT

Lines can be monitored simply by adding a monitor function which fills outputs which are then written out to a tree using the ROOTService.

In addition, your selection algorithm should contain an additional property:

PROPERTY(enable_monitoring_t, "enable_monitoring", "Enable line monitoring", bool) enable_monitoring;

The property should be defaulted to false:

Property<enable_monitoring_t> m_enable_monitoring {this, false};

In this example we want to monitor the Mass and pT of the Secondary Vertices selected by a line meant for the decay Ks-> pi+ pi- .

First we need to add the additional Parameters that will carry our arrays to our Line header:

namespace kstopipi_line {
 struct Parameters {

   DEVICE_OUTPUT(sv_masses_t, float) sv_masses;
   DEVICE_OUTPUT(pt_t, float) pt;

   PROPERTY(enable_monitoring_t, "enable_monitoring", "Enable line monitoring", bool) enable_monitoring;

Your selection algorithm should define an additional tuple type that contains the types of the quantities to monitor, so in this example:

.. code-block:: c++

using monitoring_types = std::tuple<pt_t, sv_masses_t>;

The tuple type is a convenient way to store a parameter pack, which is then used internally (see Line.cuh for details) to handle the initialisation of the containers and the transport of the arrays to the nTuple. Two useful additional pieces of information to include in the nTuple are the event and run number. These are automatically filled per candidate if the tuple of monitoring types includes the types runNo_t and evtNo_t, which should be declared as DEVICE_OUTPUTs of type uint64_t and unsigned for runNo and evtNo, respectively. So in this example, we would add

struct Parameters {
  DEVICE_OUTPUT(evtNo_t, uint64_t) evtNo;
  DEVICE_OUTPUT(runNo_t, unsigned) runNo;

and the monitoring types becomes

using monitoring_types = std::tuple<pt_t, sv_masses_t, evtNo_t, runNo_t>;

After all of the values we wish to monitor have been declared, then we set up the monitor function that will be handled by the kernel in order to retrieve the information that we want to monitor:

__device__ void kstopipi_line::kstopipi_line_t::monitor(
  const Parameters& parameters,
  std::tuple<const Allen::Views::Physics::CompositeParticle&> input,
  unsigned index,
  bool sel) {
    const auto& vertex = std::get<0>(input);
    if (sel) {
      parameters.sv_masses[index] = vertex.m(139.57, 139.57);
      parameters.pt[index] = vertex.pt();

The source files that implement these examples correspond to the KsToPiPiLine and are the following:

ML models in selections


The training procedure for the TwoTrackMVA is found in https://github.com/niklasnolte/HLT_2Track.

The event types used for training can be seen at the end here.

The model exported from there goes into Allen/input/parameters/two_track_mva_model.json