Allen CI configuration

The scripts to configure Allen’s CI pipeline are located in scripts/ci/config Two pipelines are defined and used as follows: Every commit to a merge request triggers the “minimal” pipeline. Before merging a merge request, the “full pipeline” with a larger varietey of build options and data sets is triggered manually from the merge request page.

Adding new devices

  1. Add an entry for the device to devices.yaml. Set TARGET, DEVICE_ID, and the tag: accordingly

  2. Add a job entry to run in the minimal pipeline: e.g.

    - .epyc7502
    - .run_job
  1. Add a job entry to run in the full pipeline, taking care to extends: from the right key based on the TARGET of the device:

    - .epyc7502
    - .[cuda/hip/cpu]_run_job
    - .run_jobs_full
  1. Add the jobs to the dependencies of device-jobs and depend_full_run_jobs:

    - ...

    - ...
  1. If you added a new CUDA device, check OVERRIDE_CUDA_ARCH_FLAG in gitlab-ci.yml contains the right flags for this device

Adding new tests

See Gitlab CI documentation for more information on how the parallel:matrix keyword works.

To the minimal pipeline

Add a key to run_matrix_jobs_minimal:parallel:matrix: in common-run.yaml e.g.

# efficiency tests
- TEST_NAME: "run_physics_efficiency" # name of the test - runs the bash script scripts/ci/jobs/$
  SEQUENCES: ["hlt1_pp_validation"]   # sequence(s) to run the test on
  DATA_TAG: ["Upgrade_BsPhiPhi_MD_FTv4_DIGI_retinacluster_v1"] # input dataset

Other variables can be set (but are optional - see below).

To the full pipeline

Add a key to run_matrix_jobs_full:parallel:matrix: in common-run.yaml e.g.

- TEST_NAME: "run_throughput"     # name of the test - runs the bash script scripts/ci/jobs/$
  LCG_OPTIMIZATION: ["opt"]       # use opt build
  # OPTIONS: [""]                 # leave out for default build, with no additional build options
  SEQUENCES: ["hlt1_pp_default"]  # sequence
  DATA_TAG: ["SMOG2_pppHe_retinacluster_v1"]  # dataset name
  # GEOMETRY: [""]                # don't add this, to use the default geom

If your test needs a build of Allen that is not yet included in the build stage, you will need to create one.

In order to ensure the correct build from the build stage is used in your test, make sure that the following variables are set correctly and match.

  • ${LCG_SYSTEM} (e.g. x86_64_v3-el9-gcc12. default value is set by run_jobs key)

  • ${LCG_QUALIFIER} (added directly after LCG_SYSTEM with + delimiter - default is cpu)

  • ${LCG_OPTIMIZATION} (e.g. opt or dbg. default value is set in gitlab-ci.yaml to opt)

  • ${SEQUENCES} (must be set in run_matrix_jobs_full:parallel:matrix:)

  • ${OPTIONS} (optional, can be set in run_matrix_jobs_full:parallel:matrix:)

  • ${GEOMETRY} (optional, can be left undefined or set if a specific geometry is needed)

Adding new efficiency reference files

Create the reference file with the format test/reference/${DATA_TAG}_${DEVICE_ID}.txt.

Updating efficiency reference files

If the changes introduced in a MR are expected to have an impact on the physics efficiency, the job will fail, pointing to the need of updating the reference files. Make sure that the differences reported in the failing job make sense. If in doubt, or for any significant changes, flag it up on your MR.

The failing CI job will produce a patch file and provide instructions on how to commit at the bottom.

Adding new builds

The parallel:matrix: keys will need to be modified in either build_job_minimal_matrix or build_job_additional_matrix.


  • $LCG_QUALIFIER does not need to be set in parallel:matrix: for the full builds, but it will need to be for the minimal builds.

  • $OPTIONS can be left blank or undefined. If options need to be passed to CMake e.g. -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DENABLE_CONTRACTS=ON, then $OPTIONS can be set to BUILD_TESTING+ENABLE_CONTRACTS which will set both CMake options to ON by default. If you need this to be something other than ON, then you can do BUILD_TESTING=OFF+ENABLE_CONTRACTS=OFF, for example.

  • In downstream run-stage jobs, the $OPTIONS variable content must match for the build to be found properly.